"Jesus said 'I have come that you may have life in all its fullness" 

John 10:10

School Vision

Derby Cathedral School is a Christian community that welcomes students, families and visitors of all faiths and none. The diversity and richness of such a family brings depth and a vibrancy to our core.

Students of Derby Cathedral School are given every opportunity and challenged to be the best that they can be, demonstrating FAITH in all they do.

  • Fellowship - Collaborating with others, we treat everyone with respect, dignity and kindness.
  • Aspiration - We are ready to learn and grow, striving to be the best that we can be in every aspect of our lives.
  • Integrity – We demonstrate fairness, equality and honesty.
  • Tenacity – We are determined and resilient when faced with challenges.
  • Humility - We are gracious, calm and understand the importance of forgiveness.

 All students will be well prepared for their next step into future education, training and employment. They will be happy, healthy, confident, life-long learners who ‘experience life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10)

We have created a Parent Information Leaflet on our FAITH values that you may find useful.